Rarity: Rare
Card Number: EX4-047 R
Type: N/A
Color: Black
Play Cost: 8
Card Text
[On Play] Until the end of your opponent's turn, 1 of your Digimon gains [Blocker]. If DigiXrosing, [De-Digivolve 1] 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
[On Deletion] Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [Blue Flare] or [Twilight] trait among them to your hand, Trash the rest.
[DigiXros -2 [SkullKnightmon] × [DeadlyAxemon]]
[On Deletion] Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [Blue Flare] or [Twilight] trait among them to your hand, Trash the rest.
[DigiXros -2 [SkullKnightmon] × [DeadlyAxemon]]
Inherited Effect
[Opponent's Turn] [Once Per Turn] When an opponent's Digimon attacks, if this Digimon is [GreyKnightsmon], you may switch the target of attack to this Digimon.
Illustrator: GOSSAN
Set: Alternative Being Booster
Printing: Foil
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