Rarity: Promo
Card Number: P-146 P
Type: N/A
Color: Yellow
Play Cost: 3
Card Text
While you have a Tamer, you may ignore this card's color requirements.
[Security] Give 1 of your opponent's Digimon [Security A. -1] for the turn.
[Main] Place this card as 1 of your non-white Digimon's bottom digivolution card.
[Security] Give 1 of your opponent's Digimon [Security A. -1] for the turn.
[Main] Place this card as 1 of your non-white Digimon's bottom digivolution card.
Inherited Effect
[All Turns] When this Digimon would be deleted in battle, by placing 1 [Recharge Plug-In Q] from its digivolution cards as your bottom security card, it isn't deleted.
Set: Digimon Promotion Cards
Printing: Foil
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€19,99 EUR | €24,99 EUR
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